Adrenal Dysfunction/Thyroid Imbalance - My Texas Online Pharmacy

Adrenal Dysfunction/Thyroid Imbalance

Due to a number of factors, our adrenal glands may not be able to produce the hormones we need to feel our best on a daily basis. Our health requires balance to thrive, and adrenal dysfunction can lead to a wide range of health complications as we get older.

This goes hand in hand with an imbalance in our thyroid, as it can also lead to substantial fatigue, dry skin, headaches, muscle aches, and many other issues that can become increasingly worse. To get a grasp on these very common issues, it's vital to first understand precisely what they are and how they occur.

What Is Adrenal Dysfunction?

Providing vital hormones such as estrogen, cortisol, and testosterone, the adrenal glands are essential for many normal functions within the body. As our bodies get older, it can become difficult for the adrenal glands to produce these hormones, but age isn't the only catalyst that can lead to adrenal dysfunction. Our modern society has become increasingly stressful throughout the years, whether it's pressure from work, family, or any other responsibility in our day-to-day lives.

Many people are finding it hard to properly take care of their health, whether it's due to financial concerns, a lack of exercise, chronic illness, or poor dietary habits. This can cause a snowball effect between our health and our lifestyles, where it can be hard to reverse the damage we cause, which is why it's so vital to have regular check-ups with your primary doctor.

Nevertheless, adrenal dysfunction is quite common in many people and becomes even more so as we pass our mid-life stage. The hormones that adrenal glands produce are essential for keeping our body healthy and protecting it on multiple fronts. From managing allergic reactions, to warding off cancer and autoimmune disorders, the adrenal glands are more necessary than you might think.

This is why finding balance in your health is so important, as the adrenal glands require proper sleep, exercise, and a consistently healthy diet to function properly. Although they operate with an automated response, it's up to the individual to ensure they remain in good health as they age. It's easier said than done, but working with a healthcare professional can help you stay on track. In the same vein, if you're feeling any negative symptoms from adrenal dysfunction, your doctor may also explore the possibility of a thyroid imbalance.

How Thyroid Levels Are Equally Important

The thyroid is another gland responsible for many functions throughout the body. If it isn't working properly, the lack of thyroid hormones can lead to numerous health complications such as fatigue, increased heart rate, anxiety, progressive weight loss, and more. From another angle, it's possible for your body to overproduce the thyroid hormone, which makes your body use energy at an increased rate. The term for this is hyperthyroidism, and it can make daily life more challenging than it should be.

Also known as thyroid disease, it can affect any age group and gender, and some people encounter it at birth, while others develop these symptoms over time throughout their life. Even if it can affect anyone, there are still people who are considered to be at a higher risk of thyroid disease than others.

Some of which include:

  • Those who have a family history of thyroid disease
  • Iodine-rich medications can cause thyroid complications
  • Medical conditions such as type 1 diabetes or adrenal insufficiency
  • People over the age of 60
  • Individuals who have received thyroidectomy or radiation treatments

It isn't uncommon for many people to go through their lives without knowing about the condition of their thyroid. Known to be a fairly common health complication, getting your thyroid issues treated can greatly improve your quality of life and overall health. Many healthcare professionals will suggest thyroid hormone therapy to help with thyroid issues, which entails the administration of synthetic thyroid hormones. Unfortunately, these are known to provide lackluster results for many people.

The thyroid gland secretes what’s called T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine), and thyroid hormone therapy aims to restore balance to any imbalance between T3 and T4. Many treatments rely on commercially synthetic solutions, but many people have claimed it doesn’t make much of an improvement for their health.

Natural thyroid solutions seem to be the most effective, which can be achieved through pharmaceutical compounding. This also gives patients the ability to utilize customized T3 and T4 pure powder combinations based on their prescription needs. Additionally, many people have shown significant improvements by using a combination of T3 and T4. Some of which include better mood, physical health, neuropsychological function, and more.

For those who have used synthetic T3 or T4, also known as levothyroxine and liothyronine, many have experienced adverse side effects. Although synthetic treatments may work for some people, the truth about pharmaceutical compounding different strengths of natural thyroid show many more pros than cons.

Aside from thyroid imbalance, some people encounter more extreme cases, such as mild thyroid failure, also known as thyrotoxicosis. This can lead to exacerbated health concerns and a need for more specialized medications. Once again, this is where pharmaceutical compounding can benefit patients, as our pharmacists have the ability to compound medications to help with the severity of their adrenal dysfunction or thyroid imbalance.

Why Compounding Is The Answer

Many treatments that entail synthetic T4 and T3 preparations are considered relatively ineffective, considering the severity of each person's condition. Although combinations of T3 and T4 are known to provide better results, it still doesn't compare to compounded solutions.

Currently, medical professionals are starting to find that compounded, sustained-release T3 delivers optimal results for most people, and it can be further customized based on a patient's individual healthcare needs.

Thyroid hormone therapy that entails compounded medications with T3 or T3/T4 combinations are becoming the top choice for medical professionals and their patients due to the substantial results it provides. Each person's experience with thyroid disease or thyrotoxicosis is unique, and pharmaceutical compounding has the ability to provide them with exactly what their body requires to find balance. In regard to adrenal dysfunction and the many health complications that come with it, compounding can also aid those who need a customized path to healing.

Whether a patient's symptoms are mild or if they're experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome, nutritional supplements, hormone therapy, proteins, and even antioxidants may be administered. Not only is that a fairly large list for a patient to manage, but it can also develop many ups and downs with their treatment. Other solutions known to help both adrenal dysfunction and thyroid imbalance are vitamin B-12, D-ribose, and beta blockers, to name a few. Both health concerns come with a decent list of complications that make them challenging to manage, especially when you're working with treatments that include multiple medications or natural supplements.

Not only do we work closely with healthcare professionals, but we ensure patients understand the benefits of pharmaceutical compounding and how it can make their lives a little bit easier to manage. Our pharmacists are able to optimize dosage, formulation, administration methods, and more, so each patient can beat adrenal dysfunction or thyroid imbalance with flying colors.
